Pinball Games

Zaccaria - Missing (alphabetical) list alpha | list chrono | missing alpha | missing chrono

  Game Year Type
4 Clown 1985 ss
7 Earth Wind & Fire 1981 ss
9 Fire Mountain 1980 ss
12 House of Diamonds 1978 ss
13 Locomotion 1981 ss
14 Lucky Fruit 1975 em
16 Mexico 86 1986 ss
17 Moon Flight 1976 em
18 Mystic Star 1986 ss
20 Pinball Champ '82 1982 ss
21 Pinball Champ 1982 ss
23 Queen Castle 1978 ss
24 Red Show 1975 em
26 Shooting the Rapids 1979 ss
29 Space City 1979 ss
30 Space Shuttle 1980 ss
31 Spookey 1987 ss
32 Star God 1980 ss
33 Stars Phoenix 1987 ss
34 Strike 1978 ss
36 Ten Stars 1976 em
37 Ten Up 1974 em
38 Time Machine 1983 ss
39 Universe 1976 em
41 Woods Queen 1976 em
42 Zankor 1986 ss

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